
2025 Sturgeon Bay Bass Tournament Rules

FishDonkey App

All registration and payment must be completed using the FishDonkey app.  The FishDonkey App will be used to video document fish and will generate live leaderboards. The leaderboards will update throughout the event as fish are submitted.  All entries will be considered unofficial until verified.

Please refer to official rules at: 

All weight must be taken using the Brecknell scale provided by the SBBT.




·       Turn the scale on to weigh each fish – the LCD will show “8888” and then go to zero.

·       Push the Hold key

·       Attach the lip of the bass to the fish grabber and close.

·       The Scale will lock in the official weight usually within 30 seconds, but it may take longer.


Wait until your fish weight is locked in before you take the video to register your fish. Your video must show a clear view of the locked-in weight shown on the scale, a view of the fish tail to show it is hanging freely and not touching anything, and a view of the fish being released – all in one video.

Open the FishDonkey App and at the “LeaderBoard” page and select “Enter a Fish”.  The app will automatically turn on your camera.

Use the video button on the screen to take the video required to register your fish.  When taking the video, you must 

1 – locked-in weight shown on the scale 

2 – view of the fish tail to show it is hanging freely

3 – a view of the fish being released

If your video does not show all three views, the fish cannot be verified.



Once your video is completed, select the green checkmark on the screen to move to the “Submission” page of the app.

•    Click on “Choose Species” and select bass from the list.

•    Click on “Size/Unit(s)” and enter the lock-in weight of your fish.

•    Enter the pounds and hundredths of a pound exactly as shown on the scale.

•    Then click Submit – the app will say “Got One” and return the “Enter A Fish” page and be ready for your next fish. Your submitted fish will initially be tagged unverified.

•    Upon verification, our verification officials will verify your entry.  If for some reason the fish weight failed to lock in, our verification officials will take the average weight observed on the scale and enter it as the official weight.

•    Your official weight will be entered onto the leaderboard in pounds and hundredths of a pound.

To practice using the FishDonkey App prior to the tournament

Watch a 1 minute tutorial on How to Enter a Fish

Test the app before you get out on the water.  

1.  Download the app

2. Join “Practice Entering a Fish”

FishDonkey in poor reception areas

The app will work without the internet.  Open the app before heading out to poorly covered areas.  Tap on the name of the tourney.  Once you see the button ‘Enter a Fish’, head out and fish away.  In poor reception areas, fish should be entered as normal.  Your Digital Livewell® (fish icon) will show you if there are fish waiting for an internet connection to get pushed into the leaderboard.  When you get back to a well-connected area, open your Digital Livewell® and leave that screen open/active until all fish are “Received”. If your pictures are missing from the leaderboard, this is what you need to do.  Until your pictures are received, do not delete or alter the photos on your phone, as the software will not accept your photos as originals. 

Missing pictures on the leaderboard?

Open your Digital Livewell (fish icon) when you get back to an area with good reception.  Leave that screen open until all fish are “Received”.  Never delete anything from your Digital Livewell. 

Tournament Director

Your Tournament Director is Gary Nault.  If you need to reach your director, their contact info is in the “i “Info icon within your tournament in the app.  

The interpretation and enforcement of the rules is at the sole discretion of the director.  The tournament director may change rules or impose sanctions as they deem appropriate, including but not limited to: disqualifications, forfeiture of prizes, and prohibition from competing in future tournaments.  All decisions made by the tournament director are final.


All participants are expected to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, safety and conservation. Any participant who displays poor sportsmanship, violates these rules or brings unfavorable publicity to the sport of fishing could be disqualified. Encroachment is considered a sportsmanship rule.

Body of Water

Fishing will be allowed in all legal waters of Sturgeon Bay and Green Bay within 5 miles of the Door County Shoreline. Waters within one-half mile of Chambers Island are also included. No fishing will be allowed north of Gills Rock. The southern boundary will be no farther than a 90-degree line from the south pier at Chaudoir’s Dock to the west shore. The Lake Michigan boundary will be no fishing past the U.S. Coast Guard Station. There will be no fishing allowed in Lake Michigan.

A 25-yard distance between anchored boats will be enforced. Boats must maintain a safe distance at all times. 

Inclement Weather/Cancelation

Keep your phones on throughout the tournament in order to receive communication from the director in the event of postponement or cancelation.  Due to the nature of tournament fishing, no refunds will be issued.  This is at the discretion of your tournament director. 

Laws and Regulations

All federal, state, and local laws and all fishing and boating rules must be abided by.

Because the 2024 SBBT is scheduled before the May 4 opening day for smallmouth bass, it is illegal to place a smallmouth bass in the live well, since that action would be considered taking possession during a closed season.  

When one angler hooks a fish, angler 2 should immediately reel in their line to assist angler 1 with landing/registering/releasing to prevent the scenario of both anglers having a fish on at the same time.


If the situation arises that both anglers hook a fish at the same time, the WDNR has approved the following series of events: 

The first fish to the boat is netted and the fish is kept in the water in the net.  Fish 2 is brought to the side of the boat, netted, and immediately registered, then released.  Fish 1 is removed from the net and registered, then released.    

Failure to comply with any tournament rules subjects participants to disqualification and removal from the competition, as determined by the tournament officials. The right to refuse sale and/or revoke a competition ticket to anyone is hereby reserved.


  • All protests must be brought to the director’s attention before the end of the event.
  • Anyone caught breaking the law or disobeying the rules will be disqualified.
  • Fish must be hooked and caught live in a conventional manner.  Fish cannot be snagged, netted, speared, etc. 


Participants are responsible for their own safety, actions, and property at all times.


If there are any questions about the rules, ask the tournament director.

Weighing Videos

Contact Us


711 Hickory Street, Sturgeon Bay, WI, 54235



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